Shasta Singh-Prasad

He Kaimahi

  1. Photo of my family:  Family faces are magic mirrors. Looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present, and future. My family is my strength. This photo was taken in Queenstown, our favourite holiday spot.
  2. Fiji Style custard pie and the hibiscus flower: These remind me of my connection to the country of my birth. 
  3. Traditional outfit: In a world full of trends, sometimes a girl just wants to wear something classy. A saree is not just a garment. It’s a power, an identity, a language that represents my culture. 
  4. Gold pair of earrings: These used to be my paternal grandmother’s (aji). I absolutely love wearing them. The happiest childhood memories that were created with her that I still remember and share with my daughter.