Unique Learning Opportunities
Providing students with opportunities to show leadership at school is a way of enhancing a student’s sense of belonging and connectedness. These opportunities also support students to develop social competencies and live our school values.
We offer a variety of student leadership opportunities to our Year 5 & 6 learners:
Manu Taki | These students lead our bi-termly Mihi Whakatau for all new learners and their whānau. |
Kaiawhina | Library and Office support, trained as school librarians and general assist in Te Wharau Nikau. |
Travelwise & Road Patrol | Developing our road safety plans and running morning and afternoon road patrol. |
Token Monitors | Token monitors will collect and count tokens which have been dropped into our school tokens collectors in Te Wharau Nikau. |
PE Shed Kaitiaki | These monitors distribute and collect the sports and sand pit equipment during Merienda and Wan. |
Staffroom Monitors | This team takes care of the dishwasher duties and the Bokashi Bins. |
Huihui/IT | Set up and running of all Mihi Whakatau, Huihui, Waiata Friday’s and any special assemblies. |
Wet Day Monitors | These learners actively supervise students’ in the kainga when the weather keeps us indoors. They encourage students to follow our school values and build upon tuakana-teina with our younger learners. |
Kura Kaitiaki | This is open to all interested learners. These student leaders are the driving force behind our waste minimisation programmes and work on beautifying our school environment. |