Madhu Kumar

Madhu Kumar

- Lord Shiva – I am a strong believer of Lord Shiva. It symbolises creation, power, protection and transformation. Shiva is beside me, before me, behind me, with me and above me.
- Family – My family is my strength, my pride, my life, my go to people, my wealth and my everything. Family and love are two words that are inseparable from one another. Without love, there’s no family, and with family, there’s no love. These two coexist peacefully and create a wonderful synergy. Blessed with the best.
- Jewellery – I love wearing jewellery. I received gold jewellery as gifts on various auspicious occasions from parents, maternal and paternal grandparents, husband and in laws. It has so much value and love attached to it. This gold coin was gifted to me by my Nani (my maternal grandmother).
- Travelling and Magnets – I love travelling with my family both local and international. It allows me to feel relaxed, energised and to experience life in many ways. Wherever I travel, I buy a fridge magnet as a remembrance and memories of the place.
- Fiji 7s – Rugby is in our blood. A proud Fijian who enjoys accompanying family members to watch Hamilton 7s. It creates a cheerful environment and Bula Spirit. With pride and resilience, built like warriors, our legends play like a fish to water – “You can take the boy out of the village, but you cannot take the village out of the boy”.